War Child Brand Guard

Contest details:

  • Contest holder: War Child
  • Category: Business card
  • Total budget: € 0.00
  • Start date : 25-09-2012 14:02
  • Ending date : 15-10-2012 17:45
  • Status : Ended
  • Required formats: jpg,psd,pdf
  • Relevant files: None
  • Available languages:
  • Number of designs: 26
  • Response rate:
    low high


In 2011, War Child has introduced a new corporate identity. A corporate book is printed and distributed internally. To keep the corporate identity alive and kicking, a fictional character will monitor and safeguard War Child’s new style and tone of voice. This character lives online and instructs, encourages, makes compliments on War Child’s Yammer social network and via email to staff and external writers and designers. Solicited and unsolicited advice, with examples and tips. It is the visualization of the brand personality of War Child: sparkling, personally, can-do, daring, competent and inviting. His name is Brandon.

PLEASE be aware that this contest has no financial award / reward. But its a nice possibility to contribute to the activities of War Child and support them! Your design will be used worldwide by War Child!!

Company description:

War Child is committed to improve the lives of hundreds of thousands of children affected by war. We help them to process their intense experiences, to make contact with other people and to build on their self-confidence.

We ensure that they learn reading, writing, math, or learn a trade. And create a safe environment where they can be a child again and build on a stable and peaceful future. War Child has programmes worldwide, from Colombia to Afghanistan. Not because we enjoy it. But because those children are entitled to.

War Child has a unique low-cost policy. Much overhead, such as ICT, telephones and office furniture is 100% sponsored, as well as War Child’s communication means; campaigns, newsletters, et cetera. The salaries of the management and staff are well below the guidelines of the Association of Fundraising Institutions (VFI). This ensures a maximum of the donated funds goes to the children in the field.

Target group:

- War Child staff in the Netherlands and in 12 project countries
- External writers, editors and designers who have questions about War Child corporate style

Colors, favourites and other requirements

War Child’s Brand Book can be requested through: brandbook@warchild.nl

  • Business card # 127668 for War Child Brand Guard contest Submit complaint
    1. Description by designer Bloknote:

      Beste War Child,
      Ik snap wat je bedoelt. Ik kan wel proberen de figuurtjes een wat wijzere, volwassenere look te geven. Zou dit iets kunnen zijn? Met vriendelijke groet, Marieke

    2. War Child says :

      Hallo Marieke,

      Veel dank voor je aanpassingen. De bril werkt mooi om je Brandon wat meer autoriteit te geven. We nemen je inzending mee in de overweging.


    3. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Business card # 127410 for War Child Brand Guard contest Submit complaint
    1. Description by designer Bloknote:

      Beste War Child,
      Ik heb mijn eerste inzending herzien en het idee meer aangepast aan jullie huisstijl. Ik zie jullie reactie graag tegemoet. Met vriendelijke groet,
      Marieke Blokland, Bloknote

    2. War Child says :

      Hoi Marieke,

      We vinden je 'kinderlijke' opzet erg plezierig. Toch vragen we ons af of je doodles genoeg autoriteit in zich hebben om de verschillende doelgroepen te kunnen coachen. Brandon heeft toch een bepaalde positie. Is een ervaringsdeskundige. Die deskundigheid missen we een beetje bij jouw typetjes. Is dat op te lossen, volgens jou?


    3. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Business card # 126714 for War Child Brand Guard contest Submit complaint
    1. Description by designer Bloknote:

      Beste War Child,
      Bij deze stuur ik jullie mijn eerste inzending voor jullie 'identity guard'. De illustraties die ik heb gemaakt, zijn geïnspireerd op de poppetjes die mijn 4 jarige dochter momenteel overal tekent. Deze "doodles" heb ik verschillende gezichtsuitdrukkingen gegeven zodat je het personage in verschillende situtaites in kunt zetten. Ik lees graag jullie reactie!
      Met vriendelijke groet,
      Marieke Blokland, Bloknote

    2. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

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