A name for camps during which people will improve their lifestyle
Contest details:
- Contest holder: jochemvanhessen
- Category: Company name
- Total budget: € 100.00
- Start date : 30-06-2016 14:35
- Ending date : 07-07-2016 14:32
- Status : Ended
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 162
Response rate:
low high
I am looking for a name for camp where people go to improve their lifestyle in terms of 1) nutrition 2) movement, 3) rest and 4) personal development. The name should be attractive and cover the things we do. furthermore it should be possible to make changes in the name or add terms in order to offer different concepts of the camps
Company description:
Target group:
Colors, favourites and other requirements
Description by designer alberts:
Samenvoeging van woord Fit met het woord Bungalow
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Description by designer alberts:
Samenvoeging van het woord Fit en het woord Tent
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Description by designer alberts:
Samentrekking van het woord Fit en het woord Hotel
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Description by designer alberts:
Het doel (the goal) is om fit te worden en te blijven. GOAL!!!!
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Description by designer alberts:
Stay Fit (stay is verblijven- overnachten) Fit
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