20 years anniversary, PARKETT KÄPPELI GmbH, Parquet- and Flooring
Contest details:
- Contest holder: ParkettKaeppeli
- Category: Logo design
- Total budget: € 329.00
- Start date : 12-01-2016 07:52
- Ending date : 20-02-2016 23:13
- Status : Ended
- Required formats: jpg,ai,pdf,eps,png
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 101
Response rate:
low high
This year Parkett Käppeli celebrates the 20th anniversary (www.parkett-kaeppeli.ch).
For this occasion we are looking for a new design for our company logo. Basically it should stay as it is in shape and colour to keep the recognition effect but added by a lettering that expresses the anniversary year. We imagine a modern and fresh design style that should contain the text “20 Jahre”, also including the annual figures “1996 – 2016” could be taken into consideration. The lettering could be designed in the colours already given by the basic logo or in metallic silver.
The colors of the present logo: Pantone yellow and Pantone 072 Reflex Blue
Company description:
Specialist store in the flooring sector with the main focus on parquet, floor boarding and customized solutions. Located in Kanton Aargau, Freiamt, Switzerland (address: Schachenweg 2, CH-5634 Merenschwand) the company welcomes customers to visit the 2’200m2 showroom, where any kind of floor boarding on large surfaces are shown.
Target group:
Architects, private clients of 25-80 years, General contractor
Colors, favourites and other requirements
Pantone Yellow und Pantone 072 Reflex Blue or metallic silver
Font Meta bold italic
Description by designer sel.in:
hallo hier ist mein designvorschlag für euer jubiläums logo. einmal in den farben eures logos und einmal ganz edel in silber. beide varianten spielen das logo wieder. die montage dient als zusätzliche visualisierung und zeigt, dass die halbrunde form sich gut für stempel, buttons, aufdrucke und weitere anwendungen eignet.
über ein feedback würde ich mich sehr freuen.
lg seli.in -
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