A logo for Or i gin a wealth management advisory firm

Contest details:

  • Contest holder: Origin
  • Category: Logo design
  • Total budget: € 150.00
  • Start date : 20-08-2020 15:33
  • Ending date : 31-08-2020 00:00
  • Status : Ended
  • Required formats: jpg,ai,png
  • Relevant files: None
  • Available languages:
  • Number of designs: 115
  • Response rate:
    low high


Or(i)gin is a brand new wealth management & advisory firm looking for its logo.
The brackets in “Or(i)gin” are an important element for the logo. Brackets should figure on the written part of the logo, as the other letters are forming an anagram of the founder’s name.
The full name of the brand is Or(i)gin Patrimoine. The idea is to keep the term “Patrimoine” just below the main part of the logo, like a baseline.

As Or(i)gin is part of the financial industry, the company has to reflect professionalism, seriosity and expertise. In addition, we would associate other values to Or(i)gin such as simplicity, serenity and transparency.
Or(i)gin Patrimoine offers “tailor-made” services in order to give a meaning to customer’s estate, for instance by favouring socially responsible investing.

Clients : wealthy individuals or families looking for advice to invest, organize, manage and pass their estate with simplicity, security and transparency. These clients can be international, so the meaning of logo has to be understandable no matter the language spoken by the clients.

Or(i)gin is inspired by refined, neutral atmospheres, like japanese design can be. The Gingko leaf is besides, an element to explore. As a symbole of succession and longevity, it represents quite well the values held by Or(i)gin.
About the colors, we would need a png logo with discrete colors or in black and white.

Here is the mood Or(i)gin would like to show through its logo. Many thanks!

Company description:

Target group:

Colors, favourites and other requirements

  • Logo design # 1101860 for A logo for Or i gin   a wealth management   advisory firm contest Submit complaint
    1. Origin says :

      Hi sujiman, thank you for your work. The design is maybe too "corporate"/ institutional for us

    2. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

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