Creation of a logo for our Youguide application

Contest details:

  • Contest holder: SAS GéoLG
  • Category: Logo design
  • Total budget: € 369.00
  • Start date : 04-10-2021 15:42
  • Ending date : 11-10-2021 15:40
  • Status : Ended
  • Relevant files: None
  • Available languages:
  • Number of designs: 285
  • Response rate:
    low high


We are looking for a logo for our "YouGuide" application, a geolocated pocket guide, downloadable from the stores, to travel and discover differently, with getaways, circuits, audio-guided tours, tips, good addresses ... .

The logo must be readable in large and small, if possible very small (favicon),

For information, the app's color theme is: # B3995B, # 5C5C5C, White and Black, but the logo does not have to use the same colors,

It must be readable on white, black, colored and photos (include a border?)

Have momentum

Rather of a square or round format

Containing the text "YouGuide"

With and / or a holed icon (as on the maps), a compass, a hexagon

We are not closed to any proposal that we would like

Company description:

Target group:

Colors, favourites and other requirements

Chloé Vizier
  • Logo design # 1245079 for Creation of a logo for our  Youguide  application contest Submit complaint
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  • Logo design # 1245078 for Creation of a logo for our  Youguide  application contest Submit complaint
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  • Logo design # 1245077 for Creation of a logo for our  Youguide  application contest Submit complaint
    1. Description by designer Chloé Vizier:


      Je vous joins ma proposition de logo pour votre application.

      J'ai misé sur la simplicité, sans fioritures pour une meilleure lisibilité surtout pour un format relativement petit.

      J'ai utilisé le "G" pour la terre, le ressourcement, le guide et le circuit. Sa forme arrondie peut aussi faire échos au relationnel, et apporte une dimension chaleureuse.

      Le "Y" vient rappeler les chemins, pour ma part il a une forme de bâton sourcier. Il apporte une notion de liberté, c'est comme s'il pouvait s'envoler et fait ainsi référence aux vacances et surtout à la découverte, et cela sans retenue, ni chaîne.

      J'espère avoir répondu à vos attentes,

      Bien cordialement,

      Chloé Vizier

    2. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

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