Design a sportive logo for a sportbrand

Contest details:

  • Contest holder: RoyNP
  • Category: Logo design
  • Total budget: € 300.00
  • Start date : 26-02-2016 11:53
  • Ending date : 04-03-2016 11:48
  • Status : Ended
  • Required formats: jpg,ai,pdf
  • Relevant files: None
  • Available languages:
  • Number of designs: 63
  • Response rate:
    low high


Design a sportive and modern logo for our sportbrand. The logo must be simplistic, you have to recognize it very fast and people should be able to write the logo by themselves. We want to use the sportive logo in all of our communication and also on the packages of our products. The logo must contain 2 components. The letter A and a star. So it must be a combination of these 2 (not just a regular yellow star).
It must be sportive, fresh and it should stand out. The logo serves as a replacement of the letter A in our brandname. It will be used in a brandname.

Company description:

We develop and sell sportcare products for joints and muscles. Our products are being sold worldwide.

Target group:


Colors, favourites and other requirements

For example, Under Armour logo. (easy to recognize and people can write it themselves).

  • Logo design # 585004 for Design a sportive logo for a sportbrand contest Submit complaint
    1. mot says

      Hierbij mijn voorstel, de letter/het symbool komt zowel op een lichte als een donkere ondergrond tot zijn recht, en is daardoor veelzijdig te gebruiken. Indien gewenst kan het nog iets schuiner worden getrokken (zie voorbeeld onderaan, in het woord "star"). Ik hoor graag jullie feedback! mvgr, mot

    2. RoyNP says :

      Beste Mot, wij zijn zeer geïnteresseerd in jouw ontworpen logo. Kan je mij een e-mail sturen. Dan nemen we even contact op om wat dingen door te nemen c.q. laatste aanpassingen. Dank Roy

    3. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

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