Eyecatching logo and stationery design for a baby shoes' webshop
Contest details:
- Contest holder: valentina V
- Category: Logo design
- Total budget: € 280.00
- Start date : 20-11-2015 18:07
- Ending date : 05-12-2015 18:04
- Status : Ended
- Required formats: jpg,psd,ai,pdf
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 116
Response rate:
low high
We will use the logo on the packaging as well.
A good idea could be to use kids typography.
Company description:
Kids shoes webshop
Target group:
Mums, Dads and relatives.
Colors, favourites and other requirements
We were thinking of warm colours, for example
"wedding green" (90AB76) from the link http://www.colourlovers.com/colors/search?sortCol=votes&sortBy=DESC&query=green&page=1.
red from http://www.colourlovers.com/color/FF404B/avilluk_lovers%60_red
but you can try also with other colours!!!
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valentina V says :
Better without kids thank you!
ivanovd1990 says
No problem If you have any more suggestions you can let me know. Thanks!
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Description by designer ivanovd1990:
if you have any suggetions or anything feel free to contact me. Thanks! ivanovd1990@gmail.com
valentina V says :
Thank you ivanovd1990. You are getting close to what we are looking for but we would like our new logo with no text saying Kids shoes and with a different font. A good thing could also be a logo that reminds that this is an e-commerce. For the stationery design it could also be a good thing to have a Capital letter B with the other part of the name smaller. Thanks!
ivanovd1990 says
Hi Valentina thanks for replay! No problem I will remove text kids shoes and also try some other font and make a B capital and other smaller. Also do you want maybe to add some kids to logo like a mascot or just text? I can do that to see how it looks so no problem. Also anything you want to try you can let me know. Thanks for rating! I will upload new design in about 20min. Thanks again!
valentina V says :
That could be a nice idea but maybe a logo with just a text could be more eye-catching...not sure!Thank you!
ivanovd1990 says
No problem I will try both so we can see how it looks no problem :)
ivanovd1990 says
Here is some more variations so feel free to let me know your suggestions. Thanks!
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