Factory 86 - many aspects, one logo
Contest details:
- Contest holder: sandervanderpoel
- Category: Logo design
- Total budget: € 229.00
- Start date : 11-01-2016 21:08
- Ending date : 25-01-2016 21:00
- Status : Ended
- Required formats: jpg,psd,ai,png
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 55
Response rate:
low high
Look: young professional, multitalented creative, down to earth, fresh, cool, dynamic.
Style: Vintage
Kleur: not too many different colors. Black/white/grey with one color?
Note: because I'm working on so many different levels, the logo shouldn't focus too much on one aspect. F.e. I'm not looking for a symbol of a microphone as a logo, because that wouldn't do justice to the rest. Focus on the creative dynamic side.
Company description:
Target group:
Colors, favourites and other requirements
Cedric B
Description by designer Cedric B:
hello, here are two versions of the logo with the aqua color. To answer your question, if you choose this project, I send you three versions : the color logo, the logo in black and the white logo.
sandervanderpoel says :
Hi Cedric! So sorry, I didnt get a notification of this so I was under the impression you hadn't replied. I'm choosing the colored one at the right bottom (so the sixth logo so to say, the lightest of the colored ones). If you're OK with it we have a deal! I will check this page more regularly now I know that I don't get the notification. Thanks! Sander
Cedric B says
Hi, no problem.
I am, in any case, happy that you chose my proposal.
Concerning the files : we must wait for the Contest Closing (tonight at 21h) ; then you will be notified by Brandsupply to choose the winner. Therefore, I'll send the files to Brandsupply and they will send you the files. Regards, -
This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.
Description by designer Cedric B:
Hello, I tried to make the pellicles more visible by adding details because , by enlarging one side as you suggest , we lose the symmetry of the logo. I can, however, try if you want.
sandervanderpoel says :
No, this is great. So how does this work, do I need to choose one of these three color versions, or do I get all three of them?
sandervanderpoel says :
Just regarding the color: can you try to take the logo at the right bottom (the beige/brown one) and then color the outer circle and '86' in a aqua based color like this: http://previews.123rf.com/images/ollinka/ollinka1501/ollinka150100059/35018120-Wooden-texture-aqua-color-for-the-image-Closeup--Stock-Photo.jpg ? I think that will be my favorite color combination.
Thanks! -
sandervanderpoel says :
Just regarding the color: can you try to take the logo at the right bottom (the beige/brown one) and then color the outer circle and '86' in a aqua based color like this: http://previews.123rf.com/images/ollinka/ollinka1501/ollinka150100059/35018120-Wooden-texture-aqua-color-for-the-image-Closeup--Stock-Photo.jpg ? I think that will be my favorite color combination.
Thanks! -
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Description by designer Cedric B:
hello, thank you for your enthusiastic comment. Here is a less industrial version of the logo.
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Description by designer Cedric B:
Another proposal : a mix between a factory and some movie pellicles. Regards,
sandervanderpoel says :
I like the concept of this one as well! I saw the movie pellicles once you mentioned it. Maybe we could make the left side of the lighter pellicle longer than the dark one, so they don't connect at the front. Then it might be a bit more pellicle instead of a factory wall, without losing both suggestions.
sandervanderpoel says :
Hi Cedric, did you find the time to look at this one? This one is my favorite! Thanks! Sander
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Description by designer Cedric B:
Hi, here's a logo proposal for your business. Regards,
sandervanderpoel says :
That's an awesome idea Cedric! Maybe it's good to change the outer gear wheel into just circle. Because I like the gear wheels in the '86' icon, but in combination with the box (which is an awesome idea) the outer gear wheels points too much towards an industrial kind of company instead of a media company.
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