Interim Doctor,
Contest details:
- Contest holder: ilankon
- Category: Logo design
- Total budget: € 199.00
- Start date : 02-02-2016 15:18
- Ending date : 26-02-2016 15:16
- Status : Ended
- Required formats: jpg,ai,pdf
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 73
Response rate:
low high
I am a medical doctor with a specialization for skin, this is called a dermatologist. For now, I will replace other dermatologists in their practice and work under their name. Therefore my company is called which means interim doctor in Dutch.
The logo should have either a link towards the skin or a medical doctor.
Thank you so much!
Company description:
My company is just me a medical doctor, but the logo can also be used for my own future practice.
Target group:
The logo will be seen by either other doctors who need my help to replace them or patients who visit me in my practice
Colors, favourites and other requirements
ilankon says :
Very nice design! Love it. Any similar ideas? You are nr 1! The Dutch name is 'dermatoloog'
freebird says
Goedemiddag, bedankt voor uw positieve beoordeling! Ik had natuurlijk kunnen weten dat het dermatoloog had moeten zijn ;)
Ik heb wel meer ideeën maar geen betere dan deze.. dan wordt het een variatie op dit thema. Logo boven de naam of links van de naam zou nog kunnen.
Hartelijke groet,
Jeroen Kraneveld
Freebirds Grafisch Ontwerp -
ilankon says :
Jeroen, leuke reactie! Dank je. Ik vind je logo echt goed gelukt. Je kan me ook op mailen
Axel Sonnet says
Really good work @freebird. One tip to contest holder: Take this one ! ^^
!NoCopy! says
Very similar to this logo, not original at all!!!! -
This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.