Looking for a logo design for our platform! app for expats travelers

Contest details:

  • Contest holder: Babalu Community
  • Category: Logo design
  • Total budget: € 125.00
  • Start date : 16-03-2021 14:50
  • Ending date : 30-03-2021 09:03
  • Status : Ended
  • Required formats: jpg,psd,ai
  • Relevant files:
  • Available languages:
  • Number of designs: 167
  • Response rate:
    low high


We are looking for a logo for our start-up! The logo you see in the attachments was someone's first draft, but clearly not something we want to use.

Name: Babalu
Slogan: Connect & Experience

We create an application with a platform where people can meet for friendly meetings. Definitely not dating!

The platform will have 2 main functions, which will be:
1. Finding like-minded people in your area and meet with them for an activity
2. Look which activities / experiences can be done in your area.

I know it's not a big reward for this logo, but as a start-up it is difficult to make a lot of funds available for this. We are launching a sharefunding campaign in 3/4 weeks so after a good experience here we will also be looking for more graphic designs for all our online marketing.

Thank you in advance!

Company description:

Meeting platform for expats & travelers where local activities are also a main focus

Target group:

Target group: Expats & travelers.
Of course we want to bring this target group into contact with the locals in the area, but our main focus is on that group. Ultimately, anyone can use the app.

Colors, favourites and other requirements

The logo must have the following characteristics:
- Colors are black, orange and white.
Color code: black - 1a1c1c / orange - f64316 (These colors or something comparable)

- It must have a symbol and not just the name.
These may be used in combination.

- Simple, clear and catchy. I like it more if the symbol says something about / is related to the app or the activities and is not just the letter B. But I am open to all ideas.

- The symbol in the logo must work well as an app icon. This means that if you would see it on your phone as a 'tile', it should be a clear and recognizable logo.

  • Logo design # 1184037 for Looking for a logo design for our platform!  app for expats   travelers  contest Submit complaint
    1. Description by designer Cindyzign:

      Bij deze de aanpassing.

    2. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Logo design # 1183523 for Looking for a logo design for our platform!  app for expats   travelers  contest Submit complaint
    1. No comments

    2. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Logo design # 1183366 for Looking for a logo design for our platform!  app for expats   travelers  contest Submit complaint none
    1. Description by designer Cindyzign:

      Hallo! Dankjewel voor de feedback. Bij deze een nieuw voorstel. Groet, Cindy

    2. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Logo design # 1182118 for Looking for a logo design for our platform!  app for expats   travelers  contest Submit complaint
    1. Description by designer Cindyzign:

      Hallo, hierbij mijn voorstel. Hartelijke groet, Cindy

    2. Babalu Community says :

      Hi! Leuk desgin, thanks! Toch heb ik een beetje het gevoel dat het iets te jeugdig overkomt voor mijn doelgroep. Geen idee waar dat precies aan ligt sorry.

    3. Babalu Community says :

      Zou je misschien dit logo met een andere font kunnen proberen? Zoals je laatste design? Thanks

    4. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

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