Design a logo for a webshop with hip healthy and stylish aroma diffusers and essential oils

Contest details:

  • Contest holder: RonnieRombouts
  • Category: Logo & stationery
  • Total budget: € 100.00
  • Start date : 28-12-2020 15:30
  • Ending date : 31-12-1899 00:00
  • Status : Ended
  • Required formats: jpg,psd,ai,eps,png,gif
  • Relevant files: None
  • Available languages:
  • Number of designs: 28
  • Response rate:
    low high


Develop a logo for a webshop in aroma diffusers and essential oils. The name of the webshop is Happy Cloud. The idea behind it is that the diffusers, in combination with the oil, spread air clouds (cloud) with a wonderful scent. The diffusers enrich your interior. The clouds provide better humidity (thus better health). The scent has a positive effect on your peace of mind (happy).

The logo should radiate the following: Hip, healthy and stylish. I deliberately mention the word stylish because it shouldn't be too playful. The brand must also radiate a certain class (for example, a cloud with a smile does that less quickly in my opinion and makes it too playful / childish).

I want to be able to use the logo in different file formats. Both for online and for printing. I would therefore like to receive the logo in PNG, EPS, AI, GIF and JPG. In addition, it would be great if the logo could be supplied in 2 variants. Both lying and standing.

Company description:

A leading webshop in diffusers and essential oils. With an emphasis on diffusers that enrich your interior and oils that make you happy.

Target group:

The target group are consumers. Women between the age of 20 and 50.

Colors, favourites and other requirements

The color must be between blue and green. The color must again match a stylish, hip and healthy character.

  • Logo & stationery # 1149615 for Design a logo for a webshop with hip  healthy and stylish aroma diffusers and essential oils contest Submit complaint
    1. RonnieRombouts says :

      Hi Logomen. I think you are the winner. Could you do me a favour? I would also like to have the logo in just black letters with no (white) background.

      Could you also please provide me with the rgb and eps colors of the logo?
      Then we are ready and I can prenounce you to be the winner.

    2. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Logo & stationery # 1149756 for Design a logo for a webshop with hip  healthy and stylish aroma diffusers and essential oils contest Submit complaint
    1. Description by designer logoman:

    2. logoman says

      Thanks for "almost" choosing me as the winner ;)
      Hereby the logo PNG (black letters on transparent background)

      Let me know if you can download this one, if not i will deliver you whatever is needed (AI, PNG, EPS, PDF, JPG, GIF) via mail once the contest is closed.

      The RGB of the green are :
      R - 197
      G - 228
      B - 224

      The RGB of the black are :
      R - 29
      G - 29
      B - 27



    3. RonnieRombouts says :

      Hi Logoman. I cannot download the logo. Today at 00:00 my contest will end (I requested this). After that I will pronounce you als the winner :). (probably tomorrow morning ;))

      Could you please send me then the black letters happy cloud in the green circle, the green letters with the white background and the black letters with the white background. I need them in EPS, AI, PNG, JPG and GIF. So in all types of quality for printing and online.

      You can email it to:

      If you have any questions please let me know.

    4. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Logo & stationery # 1149340 for Design a logo for a webshop with hip  healthy and stylish aroma diffusers and essential oils contest Submit complaint
    1. logoman says

      Hi, hereby the logo with a black outline.
      Also another version with thicker letters.

    2. RonnieRombouts says :

      Thank you I like the version with the thicker letters better!

    3. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Logo & stationery # 1149312 for Design a logo for a webshop with hip  healthy and stylish aroma diffusers and essential oils contest Submit complaint
    1. logoman says

      Thanks for your precise feedback.
      Please check the logo as you asked me with the right green color.
      Also below some other variations.
      Don't hesitate to give me your feedback if needed.

    2. RonnieRombouts says :

      Thank you for your new proposition. I like the first design. Could you please give a black outline to the letters happy cloud in the second option?

    3. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Logo & stationery # 1149210 for Design a logo for a webshop with hip  healthy and stylish aroma diffusers and essential oils contest Submit complaint
    1. RonnieRombouts says :

      Dankjewel. Deze komt een heel eind in de juiste richting. Kleurstelling is nog niet helemaal de juiste. Naar mijn idee zijn ze nu iets teveel neon-achtig. Dit mag wel wat meer naar de kleurstelling van de Douglas. Dat groenachtige. Graag ontvang ik dan logo in deze kleur op een witte achtergrond en logo in het zwart op de groene douglas kleur in een rondje. Ik denk dat we er dan een heel eind zijn. Mocht je nog vragen hebben hoor ik het graag.

      Ronnie Rombouts

    2. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

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