Design logo that symbolizes value and cost management.
Contest details:
- Contest holder: Aesticos
- Category: Logo & stationery
- Total budget: € 250.00
- Start date : 22-08-2018 17:03
- Ending date : 05-09-2018 00:00
- Status : Ended
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 122
Response rate:
low high
Develop a sleek and modern logo for the new company Aesticos Value and Cost Management. The name Aesticos originated from the word Aestimare and Cost. Where Aestimare is synonymous with Value determination.The company deals with costs and value issues of clients in, in particular, groundwork and hydraulic engineering, and gives direction to value and costs for clients in the public and private sectors. Think of governments, consultancy and engineering firms, contractors etc.We fascilitate, supervise Value Engineering and Value Management studies, including scrum, agile etc. We also draw up cost estimates for projects and carry out cost management within projects.
Company description:
Aesticos, is a company that does Value Engineering in project in civil engineering and cost management of civil building projects for eg roads, bridges, dikes, tunnels, offshore etc.
Target group:
Government, Contractors, Engineering and consultancy firms
Colors, favourites and other requirements
Look at the files for an idea and links below:
Aesticos says :
weinig kleur, in vorm wel leuke symboliek
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