HANDL needs a hand...
Contest details:
- Contest holder: bbusschaert
- Category: Logo & stationery
- Total budget: € 419.00
- Start date : 08-10-2015 13:56
- Ending date : 18-10-2015 13:42
- Status : Ended
- Required formats: jpg,ai,pdf
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 96
Response rate:
low high
Company description:
In the fast moving world of today customers expect the best possible service of any business they interact with. We offer shops the solution to deliver goods in the same convenient way they were ordered in the first place.
Handl.io is a courier platform through which couriers (and people like you and me) deliver orders from shops to their customers at exactly the time and place the customers decide to.
Trustworthiness, speed and convenience are key words that describe our platform. Disruption of traditional business models is what we live for. All around, true customer satisfaction using mobile technology is our ultimate goal!
Target group:
Even though the end consumer is who we created this solution for, the people we deal with in our day to day operations are small Ecommerce businesses, local retail shops and small to midsize retail chains that also have an Ecommerce site (omnichannel shops).
Colors, favourites and other requirements
7 Men
No comments
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Description by designer 7 Men:
Beste opdrachtgever,
Bedankt voor uw feedback. Wellicht zoekt u het meer in deze hoek?
3 Handen:
- de afzender
- de koerier(s)
- de ontvanger
Ik zie uw reactie met veel belangstelling tegemoet!
Met 'n groet,
7 Men -
bbusschaert says :
logo is te generiek; dus niet origineel voor een bedrijf dat disruptie als doelstelling heeft.
This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.
Description by designer 7 Men:
Beste opdrachtgever,
Hierbij mijn ontwerp voor uw nieuwe logo. Ik zie uw reactie met belangstellign tegemoet!
Met 'n groet,
7 Men -
This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.