Legal advice office logo + style

Contest details:

  • Contest holder: superswiegie
  • Category: Logo & stationery
  • Total budget: € 161.95
  • Start date : 16-09-2012 12:49
  • Ending date : 25-09-2012 12:29
  • Status : Ended
  • Required formats: jpg,psd,ai,pdf
  • Relevant files: None
  • Available languages:
  • Number of designs: 57
  • Response rate:
    low high


After giving legal advice for a long period of time, I am starting my own business.
The domain name is

I am looking for a business style with a letterlogo. The logo does not necessarily have to be Wessel, but can be W(essel) A(dvies) B(ureau) or just J(uridisch) A(dvies).
On the letter template there should not be a background, as I find this too distracting. There should be a logo with a horizontal bar on top (this is just an idea, its up to you).

I'm looking for a design of a logo, business card, letter template and e-mail template.

Company description:

Keywords: approachable, transparant, professional, personal.

Target group:

Everyone in need of legal advice, with a financial intrest of less than 25.000 euro. Or a labor dispute.

Colors, favourites and other requirements

I prefer marine blue (or close), and gray for the design.

Social Network