Logo and corporate style for an unique product in the hair industry

Contest details:

  • Contest holder: autoklaven-shop
  • Category: Logo & stationery
  • Total budget: € 250.00
  • Start date : 21-03-2022 13:47
  • Ending date : 04-04-2022 00:00
  • Status : Ended
  • Required formats: ai
  • Relevant files:
  • Available languages:
  • Number of designs: 150
  • Response rate:
    low high


We are looking for a logo for Toupim and would like to receive:
• Official logo
• Alternative logo (text)
• Optionally some suggestions for applications on website and marketing materials

The feeling we want to create:
• Resilience
• Connection
• Being seen
• A bit of predictability in an unpredictable time

What we would like to express:
• Optimism
• Power
• Encouragement
• Transformation
• A touch of magic

We find the concept of Kintsugi very interesting. The art of beautifying when something is broken (healing wounds with gold): it expresses resilience. This is what we stand for at Toupim. It is not that you lose your hair and become less, but because of this experience, you become more powerful and stronger. That’s also why the logo does not have to be perfect or symmetrical, it can contain something surprising.

Company description:

Here at Toupim we make hairbands from someone's own hair. For women who lose their hair through chemotherapy.

Target group:

The target group is quite wide age wise, but very specific in the reason the product is bought. The group consists mostly of women and girls from 3 to 86 years old, who have in common that they are about to lose their hair. This is usually related to disease, mostly cancer and the related chemotherapy.

Colors, favourites and other requirements

We made a moodboard where we mostly looked at the font and the feeling it gave us. We ignored the colors on this. You can find this in attached file 1/

Colorwise, this is what we have in mind:
Dominant colors:
• #821722
• #bfa08a
• #efdfd6
• #e07b3c
Secondary colors:
• #9fa59f
• #6d867b
• #333f3e

We also have a moodboard with visuals that might help. See attached file number 2.

  • Logo & stationery # 1291565 for Logo and corporate style for an unique product in the hair industry contest Submit complaint
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  • Logo & stationery # 1290562 for Logo and corporate style for an unique product in the hair industry contest Submit complaint
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  • Logo & stationery # 1290158 for Logo and corporate style for an unique product in the hair industry contest Submit complaint
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  • Logo & stationery # 1290157 for Logo and corporate style for an unique product in the hair industry contest Submit complaint
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  • Logo & stationery # 1290156 for Logo and corporate style for an unique product in the hair industry contest Submit complaint
    1. Description by designer LaurM:

      Kan ook met een witte achtergrond.

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  • Logo & stationery # 1289235 for Logo and corporate style for an unique product in the hair industry contest Submit complaint
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  • Logo & stationery # 1288534 for Logo and corporate style for an unique product in the hair industry contest Submit complaint
    1. autoklaven-shop says :

      Hi Laura, bedankt voor je inzendingen!

      Ik zie dat je kintsugi hebt verwerkt, maar ik mis nog een beetje de subtiliteit. We hebben liever een minimalistischer logo waar het subtiel in verwerkt zit.

      Zou je ook het woordje 'hairbands' willen weglaten?

      Ik denk dat dit logo het dichtstbij komt qua wat Toupim voor ons voelt. Zou je bestand 2 willen checken voor ons moodboard?


    2. LaurM says

      Hi Casper

      Dankjewel voor de feedback. Ik heb het een en ander aangepast en het logo opnieuw ingediend!

      Vriendelijke groetjes :)

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  • Logo & stationery # 1288504 for Logo and corporate style for an unique product in the hair industry contest Submit complaint
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