Logo & Identity for Personal Training/ Brandname
Contest details:
- Contest holder: Pijnappel10
- Category: Logo & stationery
- Total budget: € 359.00
- Start date : 31-05-2018 22:27
- Ending date : 06-06-2018 00:00
- Status : Ended
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 72
Response rate:
low high
The company name is Hybrid Strength and highest priority is to create a logo for Hybrid Strength. Develop a tight, modern, minimalistic, luxe logo.
We need a logo for our service which is Personal Training we focus on Muay Thai, Power, Speed, Endurance and Balance it would be really nice to make it fit all in one logo.
But it should be able to put it on our cosmetica bottles as well in the future if the oil is going to be for sale (brandname). We want to sell oil for muscle and joints. We would like to sell handmade skipping ropes in the future as well and it would be nice if the logo's fits on the skipping handle.
A few things has to be in the logo:
HybridStrength or just like initials HS Personal Training. In the attachment you can find logo's and more info what inspires me
other logo's I like:
Phuket Top Team,
Evolve MMA
PME Legend
In Logoideas.pdf you can find more ideas I like.
Lettertype: Posche Typography is a must
We need a logo for our service which is Personal Training we focus on Muay Thai, Power, Speed, Endurance and Balance it would be really nice to make it fit all in one logo.
But it should be able to put it on our cosmetica bottles as well in the future if the oil is going to be for sale (brandname). We want to sell oil for muscle and joints. We would like to sell handmade skipping ropes in the future as well and it would be nice if the logo's fits on the skipping handle.
A few things has to be in the logo:
HybridStrength or just like initials HS Personal Training. In the attachment you can find logo's and more info what inspires me
other logo's I like:
Phuket Top Team,
Evolve MMA
PME Legend
In Logoideas.pdf you can find more ideas I like.
Lettertype: Posche Typography is a must
Company description:
Target group:
Colors, favourites and other requirements
Description by designer MartenVisser:
En hier een bijbehorend ontwerp van een visitekaartje.
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Description by designer MartenVisser:
Bedankt! Hierbij het logo in zilver.
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Pijnappel10 says :
Heel mooi ontwerp, ben benieuwd naar de zilver huisstijl. Groet Kevin
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Pijnappel10 says :
Beste Marten,
Mooi logo heb je ontworpen. De kleur goud en zwart spreekt me erg aan. de Dikte van de H en S is goed, maar zou je de rand eromheen iets dunner kunnen maken? wat om HS loopt ? -
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