Logo, stationary and website design for coaching, training and consultancy company.
Contest details:
- Contest holder: rdehaas
- Category: Logo & stationery
- Total budget: € 150.00
- Start date : 24-02-2016 19:47
- Ending date : 09-03-2016 19:35
- Status : Ended
- Required formats: jpg,ai,pdf
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 31
Response rate:
low high
Company description:
Our new company pathforward.eu (and pathforward .nl) delivers services for
- coaching; - team development ; - accelerated decision making (getting unstuck) ; -lean 6 sigma process improvements;
Pathforward mission is to empower people and teams to go from here to where they want to be. It is about movement, about breakthroughs, about safety, connection, support, trust. The design should give a feel for this and be clean (less is more) and express movement and reaching dreams and what you want.
Target group:
Individuals - age group 17 + , (non-profit) organisations that want to break through barriers in teams, define their mission and values, change their culture, create individual and team growtn. Lean aimed at creating flow in processes.
Colors, favourites and other requirements
Expresses movement, flow , trust, safety, support, dreams and objectives. Colors must be warm and inviting but also about clarity. Less is more.
designer: tennisloool
designer: Fazzy Faisal
designer: Fazzy Faisal
designer: Fazzy Faisal
designer: ngahoang
designer: ngahoang
designer: ngahoang
designer: ngahoang
designer: amit kumar
designer: amit kumar
designer: Marko97
designer: Marko97
designer: Marko97
designer: simplybetter
designer: simplybetter
designer: Misa84
designer: vineno2016
designer: studiohoofddorp
designer: stevan banjac
designer: studiohoofddorp
designer: stevan banjac
designer: topo gigio
designer: topo gigio
designer: topo gigio
designer: freebird
designer: zarkovzi
designer: freebird
designer: Y-graphic design
designer: stevan banjac
designer: Y-graphic design
designer: Y-graphic design