Nursingpractice wants new fresh logo!
Contest details:
- Contest holder: Cadi-Care
- Category: Logo & stationery
- Total budget: € 589.00
- Start date : 31-08-2016 09:49
- Ending date : 07-09-2016 09:48
- Status : Ended
- Required formats: jpg,ai
- Relevant files: None
- Available languages:
- Number of designs: 235
Response rate:
low high
From this symbolism arose the name: to help people to crawl back up after sickness, to help them stand back on their own feet, to find their strength back.
I’m looking for a logo that is fresh, not to busy or over-abundant. I love pastels or colors that seem bleached by the sun. I want the logo to represent the symbolism of the tree. The logo must not be too serious but not too playfull either. I would like “De olijfboom” in a bigger font then “verpleegpraktijk”. Often nurses are represented by a green cross, you are allowed to incorporate it, but it’s not obligatory.
The logo will be used als commercial, press-work, cards.
Company description:
Target group:
Colors, favourites and other requirements
krisi says
here design with corrections.
Let me know if you want to change something else.
Krisi -
Cadi-Care says :
Thank you for the changes you made.
This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.
Cadi-Care says :
I think the idea is well thought of. The personlike figures, the olives and leaves. I prefer the design on the white background. Could you make the first O a capital? I don't really like the circle, could you leave it out, or do something else with it?
Cadi-Care says :
Ik vind het een doordacht design, de verwerking van de mensfiguur en die blaadjes en olijven. Ik geef de voorkeur aan de witte achtergrond. Kan je de eerste O ook een hoofdletter maken? Ik ben niet gek van de cirkel er rond, kan je hem weglaten, of er iets anders mee doen?
Cadi-Care says :
Oh forgot the tell you to put "Verpleegpraktijk" underneath it. Graag toch "Verpleegpraktijk" aan toevoegen.
This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.