Contest details:
- Contest holder: LOMONT
- Category: Company name
- Total budget: € 229.00
- Start date : 26-02-2016 13:23
- Ending date : 11-03-2016 13:17
- Status : Ended
- Required formats: jpg,
- Relevant files: None
Available languages:
- Number of designs: 352
Response rate:
low high
Company description:
Target group:
Colors, favourites and other requirements
Description by designer teamOnella:
acronyme for : Thanks and Thank you
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Description by designer teamOnella:
acronyme meaning Just in Case
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Description by designer teamOnella:
Cést une acronyme pour: face to face ( as used international in compute-/ chat-/sms-/ whatsapp language.
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Description by designer teamOnella:
.com checked. Free domain. Suggest: Hi-Fi we had, Wi Fi ( Wifi) we have. But Sci Fi not..
Sci can refer to science and more possibilities.. Once known, it's unforgtable as we daily confront ourselves with Wifi..And it's International; short and trendy.Easy understandable in each language. Si vous prefere que jécris en Francais, dit( direz..?) moi. -
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Trop long
teamOnella says
d'accord , j'annule ce nom :)
teamOnella says
et les autres qui vous n'aime pas. J'espere de vous fournis plus d'exemples. Merci pour le "feedback"!
teamOnella says
Merde..C'est pas possible d'annuler..
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No comments
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Trop long -
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Description by designer teamOnella:
The 'Me" ( meaning 'I") Le "Moi"( Fr.: moi)
Trop tourné sur son nombril
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Description by designer teamOnella:
You only live onces
Pas mal
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Description by designer teamOnella:
Congratulations! ( ..with finding the best site : Us! ;) With or whithout the '!'
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Description by designer teamOnella:
see you around/ see ya ( see you)
J'aime bien
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Description by designer teamOnella:
Everybody knows the Big Ben ( London), so why not :
BigBang49 says
Sorry but BigBang is the name of my agency !! :D
teamOnella says
...No! Really? haha..that' almost unbelievable coincidence.. Though funny as wel :)
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