Creation of a logo for a cultural association

Contest details:

  • Contest holder: Les Alliés des arts
  • Category: Logo design
  • Total budget: € 100.00
  • Start date : 03-04-2021 23:35
  • Ending date : 10-05-2021 00:00
  • Status : Ended
  • Required formats: psd
  • Relevant files: None
  • Available languages:
  • Number of designs: 356
  • Response rate:
    low high


The non-profit organization "Les Alliés des arts", recently created in Paris, France needs a logo.

The name of the association is a reference to the patrons (see "The target") that we want to find to help us in our mission (see "Company description").
These patrons are invited to become “allies of the arts”.
The name of the association therefore does not refer to the artists benefiting from the action of the association, or the association of patrons and artists.

Two objectives are assigned to the logo, for potential patrons.

The logo should make people want to support the association.
To motivate and seduce those solicited, one of the driving forces may be to offer a counterpart to their donation.
This consideration can be to value them, to praise them. The association can thus appear as a club of patrons whose membership is sought (like Rotary or Lions Clubs).
The logo can therefore illustrate two ideas:
- the association is: prestigious, chic.
- the association is: strong, powerful.
But be careful not to go too far! The association should not appear as:
- too elitist or "upscale";
- too "classic" and anchored in the past. It must remain in phase with the contemporary art sector (living artists or active after the Second World War) and with its actors (artists, gallery owners, collectors, influencers, etc.);
- it must not appear as already "rich" (since it is looking for help ...).

The logo should reassure potential patrons of the use that will be made of the loaned premises, equipment and funds granted.
- The logo must present the association as: serious, solid.
- The logo can also illustrate a second idea: that of the association's seniority. Therefore too much modernism should be avoided but, as indicated above, the logo must be that of an association supporting contemporary art).

Company description:

The association “Les Alliés des arts” works in the field of contemporary art (visual arts exclusively: painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, etc.). Its mission is to support artists, deprived of visibility by the covid-19 epidemic (closure of art centers and galleries, cancellations of fairs, etc.), and to organize exhibitions.

The association organizes exhibitions in vacant places (shops, offices, etc.) that have been transformed into galleries on an ephemeral basis.

Target group:

The association targets natural or legal persons (companies) likely to become patrons by helping it achieve its mission (organize contemporary art exhibitions):

1. owners of vacant premises agreeing to make their property available free of charge to host exhibitions (eg: real estate developers, banks, large companies, etc.);

2. donors who can make a material contribution (cash or material donations) for the organization of exhibitions (eg: business leaders, lawyers, collectors of works of art, etc.).

Colors, favourites and other requirements


1.1 TEXT
1.1.1 The name "Les Alliés des arts"
The association is a recent creation; it is not well-known and investments in communication to make it known will remain very limited. Barring exceptions, the people who will be approached by the association will not have heard of it beforehand.
It therefore appears essential today that the logo should include the name of the association.
1.1.2 Only the name!
We do not recommend adding other texts.

1.2.1 Graphic elements are an option
Contest participants are free to include, or not, graphic elements in the logo, in addition to the letters of the association’s name.
These possible graphic elements can be:
- frames, emblem or icon, etc. ;
- of all styles: minimalist, drawn, etc.
1.2.2 Graphic elements are a recommended option
We believe that the following possibilities are not promising:
- a logo consisting of the name of the association alone ("typographic logo");
- a logo made up of the name of the association and the letters "AA" (we see this as a repetition. In addition, the association will never have sufficient fame so that the initials "AA" alone will not help to identify it.

Contest participants are free to choose the script, typeface or font for the association's name.
We recommend that participants keep in mind the characteristics of the logo described in the "Needs" section (seriousness, solidity, etc.).

The logo should be adapted to the location of "profile pictures" on Facebook and other social networks.
It should therefore fit into a square, a circle or a shape of similar proportions.

The logo can consist of several colors.

  • Logo design # 1188891 for Creation of a logo for a cultural association contest Submit complaint
    1. Les Alliés des arts says :

      Bonjour Design-g !

      Merci pour votre proposition.

      Ma première impression :
      - une piste intéressante pour le pinceau ;
      - mais LADA c'est, pour beaucoup, surtout une marque de voiture...



    2. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Logo design # 1188693 for Creation of a logo for a cultural association contest Submit complaint
    1. Description by designer Design-g:


      Je vous présente le logo que j'ai fait pour votre association.

      Le symbole est un coeur car pour aider les artistes, il faut se rappeler ce que l'art procure. L'art c'est bien plus que de l'esthétisme. C'est une manière de s'exprimer pour les artistes mais c'est aussi une partie de leur vie. Pour le visiteur, c'est une manière de s'émerveiller, de rentrer dans un nouvel univers, de ressentir des émotions, le coeur est un donc un élément de motivation pour ceux qui veulent aider les artistes.

      Quand on aime quelque chose, on en prend soin. Le coeur est aussi un élément de réassurance.

    2. Design-g says

      (Les deux coeurs symbolisent le lien entre les mécènes pour qu'ensemble, l'Art puisse continuer d'être visible)

    3. Les Alliés des arts says :

      Bonjour Design-g !

      Merci pour votre proposition et ses déclinaisons !
      Merci également pour vos explications.

      Mes premières impressions :
      - c'est une très bonne chose d'avoir pensé aux différents acteurs du secteur de l'art contemporain et, plus spécialement, à notre cible. L'idée du cœur pour une démarche de soutien aux artistes est une direction intéressante ;
      - mais le rendu visuel (au demeurant très réussi) nous installe, selon moi, dans l'univers des sites de rencontres...

      Bien cordialement,


    4. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

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