Design mij Veertje(dot)nl logo!
Contest details:
- Contest holder:
- Category: Logo design
- Total budget: € 200.00
- Start date : 17-01-2022 10:04
- Ending date : 20-01-2022 00:00
- Status : Ended
- Relevant files: None
- Available languages:
- Number of designs: 120
Response rate:
low high
Company description:
Will you design my logo? For my website I am looking for a simple, clean, mature but still creative logo. (Veertje means feather) is a website where you will soon be able to purchase (birth) cards and (personalized) posters with illustrations and poems. With my work I want to inspire people, make them happy, give them a good feeling and self-confidence. I want to touch people with my writing. I have already made a lot of design attempts for my logo, but unfortunately I have not yet been able to convince myself with this. Maybe you will?
The logo must contain a brandmark that I can use at the bottom of my posters and the name
My font is: Playfair Display
- (preferably) black and white
- Brandmark for the bottom of illustrations
- Logo is made of a brandmark +
- mature, not too childish
- A feather in the logo is not necessary. (I think this makes it a bit childish and a bit 'soft')
- Font: Playfair Display
After receiving a few ideas:
- No pencil in the logo
- No thick black letters
- Preferably no feather, it doesn't appeal to me
- The letter V should really be in the logo since my name is Vera
- The round shape really appeals to me
Target group: